How is it possible to bring about a revolution like that of Sans Papiers? The idea is simple and, at the same time, complex and able to completely reverse the situation. It’s about generating water from the air and using it to make beer. Not just any beer, but Sans Papiers Italian craft beer. The first beer in the world that uses this extraordinary intuition.
But where does the magic happen? It happens in our brewery in Gualdo Tadino, where we also produce Ma.Ma. and Flea beers. The absolute protagonist of this spell is Veragon V10: the machine that produces drinking water by extracting it from the humidity of the air.
Interesting, isn’t it? If you are curious to know more, just keep reading: we are about to give you more details about how the machine works!
The process of generating water from the atmosphere used by V10 CIV replicates the natural process of generating rain: cooling and condensing the water vapor that goes from the gaseous to the liquid state. The external air, previously filtered, is conveyed inside the generation group. Contact with specific heat exchangers, kept at a controlled temperature, induces the condensation of the steam into water, which is collected and stored in the storage tank.
The water is purified by using ozone, in order to oxidize and inactivate organic and chemical impurities. Once sanitized, the water is mechanically microfiltered. The activated carbon module removes unpleasant odors and tastes. Before being dispensed, the water is cooled thus becoming pleasantly fresh to drink. The quality of the water produced meets the most stringent drinking water requirements.
All this explains how something that may initially seem impossible is actually possible. Sans Papiers is the result of a vision that focuses on craftsmanship, respect for nature and the highest quality. The revolution comes inside a glass.
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